Hail Scissors | Terence Jaensch

Terry Jaensch is a poet (& more recently a collage maker) living in Castlemaine on Dja Dja Warrung country. 

Making these collages, I thought a lot about:

70s & 80s T-shirt transfers  |  70s & 80s T-shirt motifs  |  colour

blocking  |  sleeve piping  |  negative space  |  highbrow nobrow

& lowbrow art  |  but mostly no & low  |  monobrow  |  cheap wordplay  | 

found poetry  |   poetic forms  |  haiku  |  sonnets  |  cinquains  |  

contracting  |  expanding  |  breaking with bodily logic  |  contradiction  | 

the phrase apropos of nothing  | & rilke  |  the first duino elegy  |  the bit

about beauty  & wonder  |  & the line that reads every angel is terrifying


The exhibition runs from Saturday 20th Jan - 17th Feb 2024